Self Care

The Power of Mindfulness in Daily Life

Mindfulness is the practice of being present and fully engaged in the current moment, without judgment. It involves paying attention to one’s thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations in a non-reactive…Continue readingThe Power of Mindfulness in Daily Life

Self Care

How To Be Happy Mentally

There are many ways to improve your mental well-being and find happiness. Here are a few suggestions:Continue readingHow To Be Happy Mentally

Baby Care

Baby care in winter : Care for Your Little One

Baby care in winter It is especially important to take extra care of babies during the winter months to protect them from the cold and to ensure that they stay…Continue readingBaby care in winter : Care for Your Little One

Healthy Foods

Food sources that are great for your heart

Eating foods regularly can affect many factors leading to coronary artery disease. Here are 5 foods to eat to develop more heart well-being. Waste, toasted, handled, high-sugar, and pungent food…Continue readingFood sources that are great for your heart

Skin Care

Ideas to take relief from itchy skin

Relief from itchy skin Itching is an irritant feeling that makes you feel like scratching your skin. At times it may seem painful, but it is different. Often you feel…Continue readingIdeas to take relief from itchy skin

Healthy Foods

The great advantages of ginger

Advantages of ginger Here’s the reason this nutritious root plant can brighten up your life Flavors aren’t only a way of adding zing and flavor to your cherished dishes. Many…Continue readingThe great advantages of ginger

Healthy Foods

Creative Mind: The Top Brain Development Foods for Children

In adolescence, a child’s memory goes through various formative changes. The proper meals can assist in operating your kid’s memory, focus, and thoughts work. Brain development foods for children have a great impact on their development.Continue readingCreative Mind: The Top Brain Development Foods for Children

Healthy Foods

Top Foods Rich in Vitamin B12: Boost Your Energy and Brain Health

Nutrient B12 is a significant supplement that our bodies require. Anyway, this nutrient isn’t delivered by our bodies normally. You can add these food varieties to your eating routine which can assist with acquiring Vitamin B12. Continue readingTop Foods Rich in Vitamin B12: Boost Your Energy and Brain Health

Travel Stories

ডুম্বুর জলাশয়ে একদিন

ডুম্বুর ভারতের  ত্রিপুরা  রাজ্যের  ধলাই  জেলার গেন্ডাছড়াতে  অবস্থিত  |ত্রিপুরা  রাজ্যের  রাজধানী  আগরতলা  থেকে  জলাশয়টির  দূরত্ব  ১২০  কিলোমিটার |এটির  আকৃতি  ভগবান  শিবের  ডুম্বুর  এর  মতো |তাই  এর  নাম  হয়েছে  ডুম্বুর |এর  আয়তন …Continue readingডুম্বুর জলাশয়ে একদিন

Recipes Fish dish

মুড়ি ঘন্ট রেসিপি

পিয়াজ এলাচি রসুন গোবিন্দভোগ চাল হলুদ গুঁড়া দারুচিনি জিরা গুঁড়া লবঙ্গ ধনিয়া গুঁড়া আস্ত  শাহী  জিরা লংকা গুঁড়া সর্ষের  তেল বড় কাতলা মাছের মাথা কাশ্মীরি  লঙ্কা  গুঁড়া গোল  মরিচ তেজপাতা…Continue readingমুড়ি ঘন্ট রেসিপি